
“Agility Unleashed: Navigating Success with Modern Agile Methodologies”

First Move Partners follows the best in-line – Agile methodologies as a set of governing principles and practices for software development and project management which emphasises on flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

Below are some of the FMP’s key Agile methodologies and best practices:


  • Scrum:
    Scrum is one of the most popular Agile frameworks. It organises work into time-boxed iterations, called as sprints.

A cross-functional team collaborates to deliver a potentially shippable product increment at the end of each sprint.

Daily stand-up meetings (daily scrums) are held to synchronise team members and identify any obstacles.

  • Kanban:
    Kanban focuses on visualising work in progress and optimising flow. Work items are represented on a Kanban board, moving through various stages of the process. Limiting work in progress helps prevent bottlenecks and encourages a steady flow of completed work.
  • Extreme Programming (XP):

XP emphasises technical practices to ensure high-quality software. Practices include test-driven development (TDD), continuous integration, pair programming, and frequent releases. Customer involvement is crucial, and requirements evolve based on customer feedback.

  • Lean Software Development:

Inspired by lean manufacturing principles, Lean focuses on minimising waste and maximising value. Principles include delivering fast, optimising the whole system, empowering teams, and making decisions based on data.

  • Feature-Driven Development (FDD):

FDD organises work around a set of features or functionalities. It promotes detailed design and planning for each feature, enabling a more controlled development process.


Agile Best Practices followed by FMP Professionals across the globe:


  • Customer Collaboration:

Regularly involve customers and stakeholders in the development process to gather feedback and ensure the product meets their needs.

  • Iterative Development:

Break work into smaller iterations or increments, allowing for frequent feedback and course correction.

  • Prioritised Backlog:

Maintain a prioritised backlog of work items or user stories, ensuring that the most valuable features are developed first.

  • Cross-Functional Teams:

Create diverse teams with all the necessary skills (developers, testers, designers, etc.) to independently deliver features.

  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

Automate the process of integrating code changes and deploying them to production, ensuring rapid and reliable releases.

  • Test-Driven Development (TDD):

Write tests before writing code to ensure code quality and maintainability.

  • Retrospectives:

Regularly hold retrospectives to reflect on the team’s processes and identify areas for improvement.

  • Adaptive Planning:

Embrace changing requirements and respond to feedback by adjusting plans and priorities.

  • Face-to-Face Communication:

Prioritise direct and open communication within the team and with stakeholders.

  • Sustainable Pace:

Avoid overworking the team by maintaining a sustainable pace of development.

Agile methodologies and best practices promote collaboration, transparency, and flexibility, allowing teams to respond effectively to changing requirements and deliver high-quality software. However, the specific practices and approaches adopted may vary based on the needs of the project.